sobota, 29 marca 2014

NASA wants to create the coldest place in the universe

Temperatura materii gazowej w wyrobiskach miejsca mogą spaść do około 3 stopni Kelvina, minus 270 stopni Celsjusza. NASA chce na pokład stacji orbitalnej ISS ​​do jeszcze chłodniejsze miejsce. Jak poinformowała amerykańska agencja kosmiczna, ma być "najzimniejszy punkt w znanym wszechświecie."

Naukowcy chcą zbadać sprawę w temperaturach znacznie niższych niż naturalnie występujące w przestrzeni. W specjalnym "zamrażarce" zwanej zimnej Atom Lab, który ma zostać umieszczony na ISS w roku 2016, temperatura osiągnie poziom 100 pikokelwinów powyżej zera absolutnego. Pikokelwin jest częścią trylionową w stopniach Kelvina.
At such low temperatures known in everyday life states of matter of a solid, liquid and gas are not suitable for describing the behavior of molecules and atoms . In 1995 it was discovered that if you take a few million rubidium atoms and cool them to temperatures close to absolute zero , will merge into something that can be called a single wave of matter. Experiments gave similar effect of sodium atoms .

In 2001 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Eric Cornell and Carl know for independently producing this kind of condensates , whose existence is predicted in advance. Theoretical considerations on the subject led Albert Einstein and Satyendra Boseteoretycznie at the beginning of the twentieth century.

When you create a two such areas of matter and connects together , there is no mixing them , as in conventional gas. Instead, followed by " interference " on a similar way as in the waves .

The new cosmic laboratory scientists will be able to be mixed with a very chilled gases and check what happens. Rob Thompson of NASA's project scientist Cold Atom Lab hopes to measure very weak interactions between atoms , which may lead to the discovery of various interesting quantum phenomena .

Europe closer to Mars

Mars Rovers międzynarodowa European Challenge Rover my wrześniu 2014 Roku w polsce. Impreza bedzie towarzyszyła Konferencja Ekspertów światowej klasy w dziedzinie nauk kosmicznych ppkt i piknik. Gospodarzem Imprezy bedzie Województwo Świętokrzyskie.

Organizacji Naukowych w 2014 w polsce potwierdzone w Jesieni ubiegłego Roku na Międzynarodowej KONFERENCJI w Paryżu okolicy. Podawane LOKALIZACJA z wyboru bylo Regionalne Centrum Nauki i Techniki wag Podzamczu k. Chęcin. Impreza odbędzie sie w dniach 5-7 Września.

At the same time the competition will be held an international conference entitled " Man in Space " organized by the Mars Society. Arrive at her representatives aerospace , among others, founder of the Mars Society , Robert Zubrin and Stanford University professor Scott Hubbard G , the former head of NASA Ames. The event will be attended by the representatives of the medical , scientific , and private entrepreneurs . In addition , as part of the Science Picnic in special tents will see demonstrations and experiments adapted to the age and interests of the audience - says Matthew Józefowicz , president of the Mars Society Poland , the organizer of the event.

To compete in competitions analogues Mars rovers will team consisting of students, alumni and faculty . Waiting for them will be four competitions that simulate the exploration of Mars : Scientific involving the sampling of ground and finding a " life," Field -based navigation using only GPS and two engineering associated with the maintenance and repair of equipment . All tasks will be executed remotely , without visual contact with the robots .

- ERC extends to Europe already known formula prestigious University Rover Challenge competitions organized in the United States by The Mars Society , which has repeatedly Polish students were successful - says Adam Jarubas Marshal Voivodship. - We are pleased that this year we are giving them the opportunity to take part in Poland and in our Centre for Science and Technology ! This project fits perfectly in the implementation of the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation - adds.

The event is organized Mars Society Poland , in collaboration with Planet PR , Marshall Office Świętokrzyskie Regional Centre for Science and Technology in Podzamczu k Chęcin ABM Space Education and the Austrian Space Forum .

Year devoted to Earth

For years, NASA is engaged in learning about the solar system objects . Recently, the greatest emphasis was placed on research of Mars, so there have been many groundbreaking discoveries about the history of this planet. But 2,014 years elapsed for NASA employees under the sign of the Red Planet, but the Earth - in February launched the project " Earth right now ."

While on the other objects in the solar system we know very much , it is for none of them are so complicated and complex phenomena as on Earth. Along with all growing on her life , changing climate and the processes occurring on land and in the oceans is she still one of the biggest mysteries of space . Therefore, NASA decided in 2014 to start the project " Earth right now " , under which planned to achieve five new missions to study the planet - this is the first case in the history of the American space agency , when so many devices will be launched in the course of one years .

NASA recorded the sounds coming from space

Amerykańska Agencja Kosmiczna (NASA) umieścił w Internecie bardzo nietypowe dźwięki nagrania pochodzące z przestrzeni kosmicznej. Są to dźwięki z przestrzeni międzygwiezdnej. Nagrywanie wysłany do Ziemi międzyplanetarne sondy Voyager 1, która była pierwszą człowieka obiekt opuścił Układ Słoneczny. 

Poniższy film został stworzony z dźwiękami instrumentów otrzymywanych przez Voyagera 1 w okresie od października do listopada 2012 i od kwietnia do maja 2013 r. w data wyjazdu Naukowcy sonda system słoneczny otrzymując 27 lipca 2012 r., oznacza, że ​​nagrane dźwięki są Pierwszy, że udało nam się zarejestrować z urządzeniem znajduje się poza granicami naszego układu słonecznego.

Film pokazuje wykres, z którego można odczytać częstotliwości odbieranych fal. Chociaż kolor wskazuje natężenie dźwięku (czerwony są najsilniejsze i najsłabsze niebieski).

Sonda Voyager 1, która rozpoczęła kosmiczną podróż na 05 września 1977, znajduje się obecnie około 19000000000 mil od Ziemi i znajduje się najdalej przez człowieka obiekt. Wysłane przez jej fal radiowych wymaga więcej niż 17 godzin na to, aby dotrzeć do naszej planety. Termopara jądrowe utrzymać działanie urządzenia sondy do około 2025.

Ten sampler zajmuje również drugie miejsce wśród najdłużej kosmicznych operacyjnego. Z tego kryterium, to jest przed Voyager 2, która została uruchomiona 16 dni wcześniej, (pomimo, że jego liczba dwóch, a nie jednego). Od Ziemi obecnie około 16000000000 km.

Chociaż ostatecznym celem sondy jest zbadanie przestrzeni międzygwiezdnej jest w drodze do krawędzi Układu Słonecznego byliśmy w pobliżu planety, który przeleciał. Wśród przekazywanych danych zawartych wiele cennych informacji na temat gazowych olbrzymów: Jowisza, Saturna, Urana i Neptuna oraz ich księżyców. Z urządzenia zamontowanego na sond badane pole magnetyczne i promieniowanie kosmiczne wykryte wokół tych planet.

Voyager 1 dokonał słynny portret Ziemi widoczny z odległości 11 mld km od Słońca. Nasza planeta wygląda na fotografię jako małe niebieskie kropki.

The giant speaker that can kill

In Noordwijk in the Netherlands is the most powerful speaker in Europe. This device belongs to European Space Agency (ESA) and is used to test satellites. The room with the speaker must be very well insulated, because the sounds that go with the extract, they could even kill them. 

The device is called LEAF (with English Large European Acoustic Facility) and housed in a special chamber with a width of 11 meters, a depth of 9 meters and a height of 16.5 meters. The use of nitrogen in speaker lets you create sounds with a capacity of more than 154 decibels (dB). These sounds are produced during take-off rockets ranging satellites into orbit. Hence LEAF is designed to test such devices for durability.
People working at the sound system must comply with the security rules. For example, the speaker can not be turned on if all the doors to the room with him will not be tightly closed and in the middle one will not. This is very important because the resulting sounds can cause human harm and even kill .

When noise is too loud ?

Harmful for our body may already sounds range from 35 ( working fridge) to 70 (on TV ) dB. They cause fatigue of the nervous system . By the sounds of power from 70 to 85 ( the sounds of a busy street ) dB weakens the hearing and appear headaches. With louder noises can occur dysfunction of the digestive system or circulatory system.

The limit of pain is 130 dB ( the sound of an airplane taking off ) . These sounds cause various diseases and ailments somatic and psychological nature . At 160 dB ( rocket taking off ) burst eardrums and at 185 dB begins abruptly change blood pressure. When sound reaches about 200 dB , there is a blockage in the arteries , and death occurs.

Unique biometric system

The identification system for quick identification of a large number of people develop scientists from the Technical University of Lodz. Just go through the gate, and the device recognizes the iris of the eye us, the shape of the face, ear, and skin texture. 

- We are building a system of identification, through which someone who he wants to be her subject and have expressed their consent - emphasizes the study's author, Dr. Ing. Kamil Grabowski. Together with a group of engineers from the Technical University of Lodz working on the "positive biometric authentication system." For the implementation of its scientific project received more than 1 million 190 thousand. gold from the National Research and Development Centre (NRDC) in the fourth edition of the Leader.
According to the researchers, the person who is to be identified, it passes through a special gate and the system of cameras located at the gateway performs a set of photographs. On this basis you can identify this person .

Of course, in the world there are already systems to identify , for example, based on the iris of the eye , but they allow you to go through the gate to one person at a time. Through this verification procedure takes a long time .
- Goal must be overcome in a quiet pace, looking straight ahead - he described the PAP . Such goals are already installed at some airports . - If you have a biometric passport and wants to go faster clearance , can benefit from such a goal. This greatly speeds up the authentication process - explains.

The solution they are working scientists from the Technical University is a pioneer , because he has to provide a lot more bandwidth . Developed by the system to allow them to pass through the gate a few people at a time . In addition, the identification is not based on only one biometric feature , but on the basis of several such features : facial image , iris , ear image , the image regions of the eye , which is the skin texture and the eyebrows and eyelashes.

- The system can be used, for example in large companies or institutions whose employees entering the building they want to quickly go through the identification. Our system will allow them - described by Grabowski . - We can install eg at the entrances to the stadium. Then the people who have such a club card , pass through such a dedicated gateway that enables accelerated identification. Other people go the normal mode .

He explained that many years ago, biometrics and identification based on iris were " hot topic " . - We have developed a system to identify so based on the iris of the eye, and then we expanded our knowledge towards multibiometrii , or even the use of other biometric features . We tried to catch up with what's going on in the world . After several years of chasing now we are building a system that really is unique - said Grabowski .

The most important element of the system will be broad goal , of arranged thereon cameras recording the image. Not collected by the data will be analyzed computer which recognizes the passing person. The support system will always be too involved operator . It was he who respond , if the system for various reasons not be able to cope .

Grabowski admitted that we do not know how the system will work when the gateway will pass more people.
- This part of the research work that must be performed . Initially , we estimate that there may be three or four people at the same time - he explained.

Funded by the NRDC project will last three years.
- At this time we do demonstrator , who will be able to present to the investor - said the scientist . The technology can be implemented for mass production , because such systems are used to control access to mass events .

The scientists have already conducted several discussions about the implementation of the system, but a barrier has always been the need to invest in research.
- Industry is interested in this , but it is an expensive technology , and it is difficult to predict the effect of such work. This is one of the most difficult disciplines - explained .

Graphene - what is it?

In the coming years, graphene can cause a real technological revolution. What exactly is a material whose production can bring huge profits Poland? 

Graphene (planar structure composed of carbon atoms) has unique properties (flexibility, conductivity, strength). If we could produce it everyday items zrewolucjonizowałaby our lives more than silicon. You can create, among others, stretchable and transparent tablet giving a collapse in rulonik and put it into his pocket; processors hundreds of times faster than silicon, artificial tendons for implantation in ponds or tanks of fuel, so that the car will be able to run on hydrogen. These are just some examples of patents filed worldwide.